Gem-A Midlands Branch: Upcoming Talks and Information @ Birmingham Jewellery Quarter

Gem-A Midlands coat of arms

Started in 1952 by a number of pioneering gemmologists from the Birmingham area, the Midlands Branch has always been one of Gem-A’s most active and pioneering branches. Celebrating it’s 60th anniversary in 2012, the Midlands Branch is currently steered by Branch Chair, Craig O’Donnell, and is still extremely active throughout the year, with a number of events and social gatherings taking place in Birmingham each month.


Venue & time:

  • We have monthly Gemmology/Jewellery related talks which are held at;
  • Fellows Auctioneers
  • 19 Augusta Street, Jewellery Quarter, Birmingham, B18 6JA
  • They are usually on the last Friday of the month (unless otherwise stated)
  • Arrival from 6:30pm, refreshments and biscuits provided. Talks start at 7pm and last around 45mins with time for questions and networking afterwards.



  • Students £4, Gem-A Members £5, Everyone Else £6
  • Cash or card payments taken
  • Recordings of most talks are available for £5 by emailing


We’re a friendly bunch and everyone is welcome!

Upcoming events:

  • Friday 27th September, Joseph Parry – The Staffordshire Hoard
  • Friday 18th October, Paul Phillips – Spectra
  • Friday 29th November, Gwyn Green – Garnets
  • Saturday 7th December, Christmas Meal – Venue TBC
  • Friday 31st January, AGM & Quiz – Free attendance
  • 22nd and 23rd February 2025 – Gem-A Midlands Branch Conference


Saturday 22nd February 2025 – We will be offering 30 delegates a two-hour guided tour of the Lapworth Collection at The Lapworth Museum, Birmingham, from 2.30pm to 4.30pm. This also includes a look behind the scenes. Saturday evening – dinner and presentation of trophies at The Edgbaston Park Hotel. Sunday 23rd – Gem-A Midlands Branch Conference with six speakers TBC. Includes morning and afternoon refreshments and lunch. Details will follow soon.


To keep up to date with our 

monthly talks, events and conference, 

please click here to join our mailing list

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Gem-A Midlands coat of arms

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Gem-A Midlands Branch: Upcoming Talks and Information @ Birmingham Jewellery Quarter


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