
At the heart of our association are our members and we host a number of events both in London, within the UK and around the globe where members can connect with Gem-A staff, fellow gem enthusiasts and professionals from within the trade.

Learn, share & connect

Throughout the year, Gem-A hosts a number of informative, engaging in-person and online events. They are an excellent opportunity to learn, share, and connect with others in the gem and diamond community. Browse our available events below.

Robin Hansen
Robin’s passion for gems and minerals has been the focus of her career, with over 20 years’ experience in the gemmological and mineralogical fields. Her knowledge and enthusiasm culminated in the publication of her first book Gemstones, a Concise Reference Guide in 2022. Her current role of nearly 10 years is Curator, Minerals and Gemstones at the Natural History Museum, London.
helen molesworth
Selecting ten of nature’s most dazzling jewels, Helen Molesworth makes journeys across the world to trace stones from their discovery to the moment a glimmering cut and polished masterpiece is traded, and then fought over, adorns oligarchs and kings, falls out of favour, and then raises eye-watering sums in another age. Listen to the stories of famous jewellery and their even most famous owners!
Events - events - Sikri
Precious stones, high-value trades, death threats, bandits, hidden treasure and mineral splendour: eminent journalist and storyteller Richa Goyal Sikri takes us on a rollercoaster ride across the length and breadth of Africa with 24 short adventure stories based on true events spanning the last 60 years and starring some of the most extraordinary personalities ever to walk the face of our planet.


Gem-A Conference 2024

Gemmologists from around the world will gather in London for the annual Gem-A Conference, one of the world’s most prestigious gemmology events.




Registration closes 25th October