We are thrilled to announce that the Gem-A Photographer of the Year competition is back for 2019!
With new rules, a new judging process, and fantastic new prizes, this year’s competition promises to be our biggest and best yet. What’s more, while the competition had traditionally only been open to Gem-A Members and students, we are now happy to accept entries from anyone with an interest in gemmology and a passion for photography.
We are very excited to see what marvels this year’s competition will bring as we have decided to forego categories; instead, we want to see entries that display your own unique interpretation of gemstones, gemmology and the wider trade.
You might decide to share a photograph of a piece of jaw-dropping jewellery, or maybe you have captured the hidden, intricate beauty of a particular gemstone through photomicrography? Or perhaps you have shot a spectacular scene while gemstone mining or trading on a recent trip abroad?
Whatever highlights an unusual or insightful facet of our sector, we want to see it!

2018 Overall Winner – ‘Going for the Green’: Traders scramble for Myanmar jade at Yangmei’s night market in Guangdong Province, China. Image by Richard W. Hughes FGA.
Why Enter?
Win the chance to have your photograph featured in Gems&Jewellery. Winners could be featured on our cover, our Last Impression or our Big Picture feature page.
You can add the accolade of being named Gem-A’s Photographer of the Year to your portfolio.
Entry is free and open to all.
2017 Overall Winner – Dandelion flower in sapphire. Growth blockage with thin film rosette in Sri Lankan sapphire using modified Rheinberg illumination. Field view of 1.34mm. Image by Jonathan Muyal FGA.
The Prize:
The overall winner will be gifted a £300 voucher to spend at Gem-A Instruments and one year’s free Membership of Gem-A.
Two runners up will win a £50 Gem-A Instruments voucher.
All three winning entries will see their photographs published in Gems&Jewellery magazine.

2018 Winner – A Persian turquoise dealer presenting a variety of Persian turquoise, temporarily mounted as a ring. Image by Maryam Mastery Salimi.
The competition is open now and we shall be accepting entries until August 30, 2019. The winner will be announced on Gem-A’s Facebook page shortly after the competition has closed.
For the Competition rules and details on how to enter click here. Good luck!
Cover image: 2017 entry – Frog in Amber from the Dominican Republic. Image by Anthony Shih FGA DGA.
Interested in developing your gemmological knowledge? Have a look at our upcoming one-day workshops.