Learn more about The Gemmological Association of Great Britain’s officers, council, and honorary fellows, and how we uphold the highest standards of gemmology education through how we are governed.
The experts guiding Gem-A
Gem-A’s board, council members, honorary fellows and officers help steer the direction of our prestigious organisation.

Richard Drucker
Vice Presidents
D. J. Callaghan
A. T. Collins
Nigel Israel
Members of the Board

Honorary Fellows
Gaetano Cavalieri
E. Fritsch
Terry Coldham
Richard Drucker
C. Smith
Bill Larson
Honorary Diamond Members
Martin Rapaport
Honorary Life Members
C. H. Winter
P. R. Dwyer-Hickey
T. M. J. Davidson
G. M. Green
J. I. Koivula
J. S. Harris
I. Thomson
C. M. Ou Yang
V. P. Watson
J. Ogden
Upholding best practice
As a company, we operate with a steadfast dedication to excellence, innovation, and inclusivity, balancing good governance with a community-driven approach to upholding the highest standards of gemmology education. Inclusivity and diversity are woven into our fabric, creating a vibrant community that thrives on shared knowledge and experiences.

The Memorandum of the Association governs the way we work, including the internal rules and structure of the business as a charity, an educational institute and a membership association.
The By-Laws of the Association detail the rules all current members or prospective members must abide by to take up Membership of the Association.

AGM & Accounts
Through our commitment to transparency, our annual general meeting (AGM) is convened yearly to present an annual report with information for shareholders and members.